It happened. You dared to do a double yawn in public, or worse—outright admit you're a bit tired.
Now people are tripping over themselves to tell you how their new pilates - HIIT - weightlifting - spin or whatever class has totally cured them of the sleepies. CURED!!
These conversations can be so (and I'm sorry for this) exhausting for anyone that struggles with energy levels.
Conventional wisdom tells us that exercise will ~give you energy~. And that's definitely true for some people!
But it's not true for everyone.
At least not with the approach many fitness offerings take.
And when you keep getting the message that exercise is some kinda cure-all for low energy it can feel really defeating when it doesn't seem to work for you. Or worse—it makes you feel even more tired.
So, let's look at some potential reasons why you may be experiencing this. And then ways you can approach movement to make it work better for you.
Plus at the end I share a few resources you may find useful!
First, let's try to understand why.
Start by asking yourself a few questions. You may find some factors you can adjust to improve your experience. And if you get through these and think "but I actually can't control that", don't worry I've got more tips for you below.
This isn't an exhaustive list BTW. There may be other reasons as well!
Are you choosing movement that requires more strength, endurance, or coordination than you currently have?
If so it could be sapping a lot of your physical and mental energy during your practice. AND extending your recovery time after.
Generally exercising should feel a bit challenging in the moment and you may experience some light soreness for a few days after. But if your sessions leave you feeling like you can barely move and debilitatingly sore for days and days then you've gone too far.
I know it takes patience, but meeting your body where it's at and making slow and steady progressions are key to managing energy levels in exercise. Pace yourself!
Did you eat enough?
Movement can give you energy but it also literally takes energy.
If you're not providing your body with enough fuel to get through your movement practice you'll be left with even less energy when you're done. Eat up to support your body!
Did you get enough sleep?
Sleep is your body's opportunity to repair and recover from exercise and your day in general.
I know this is a tricky one. But whenever possible, make an effort to get the amount of sleep you need.
Are you adjusting for stress levels?
Stress is a full body experience and can be totally draining!
Sometimes you may need intense movement to ~shake it off~ and other times you may need gentle movement to rest and recover. Get to know your body's signals and adjust your practice accordingly.
Are your hormones fluctuating?
Our hormone levels are in constant flux in response to our internal and external environments. And people that menstruate also experience dramatic shifts in hormone levels throughout the month.
These fluctuations can have a noticeable impact on energy, strength, and endurance levels day by day.
Are you being mindful of underlying health conditions?
Living with a chronic illness may effect your energy levels and this is sooo overlooked in the fitness industry!!
Movement can be a supportive part of your symptom management plan—if you're also being mindful of everything else we're discussing here.
We have varying levels of control over these things, which can be frustrating.
But the good news is we have complete control over how we approach our movement practice to meet us where we're at!
So, what do we do about it?
One thing to keep in mind is that most typical fitness offerings are designed for able bodied people that aren't struggling with energy levels. And many are even intentionally crafted to leave you feeling exhausted (no hate, but I'm looking at you CrossFit 👀).
So it's no surprise these activities don't deliver on the promise that ✨exercise will give you energy✨ for everyone.
Aligning your practice to your body's needs and pacing your energy as you go is the KEY to turning this around. This is a journey! It takes time.
Ok, so here's four things I want to you think about when you step on your mat going forward.
1. Take a moment to check in with your body. If you've ever taken one on my classes in the Online Studio you know we start every class with a moment to check in with our body.
Take a few breaths to notice your energy levels, any aches or pains, or what your body is craving. Let that inform how you approach your practice that day.
2. You gotta pace yourself babe! Take rest intervals after challenging movements and rest days after tough workouts. Rule of thumb—the harder the movement felt, the longer the rest period.
Feel weird or antsy fully resting between exercises? Try the approach we use in Mellow Moves classes: pair difficult movements with a restful stretch.
And speaking of pacing yourself—what's the rush?? Start with a little and add more over time if/when it feels doable. That goes for the length of your session, the amount of repetitions you do, how much weight you use, and so on.
It may seem counterintuitive but pushing to hard too soon is actually slowing you down.
3. Expand your practice. Most people think of weightlifting, HIIT, cardio, or other intense movement when they think of exercise. But your movement practice can (and should!) be so much more than that.
Here's some practices we do around here that are more gentle on your body while offering just as many benefits:
low-impact strengthening
active and passive stretching
restorative practices
breath work and breath connected flows
gentle joint movement and mobility
mindfulness and meditation.
All movement is good movement! Do what works for you day by day.
4. Props are friends! Grab the yoga block! And the strap, blanket, or my personal favorite—your trusty chair.
Props make movement more accessible for your body. They can extend the reach of the arms, bring the floor closer to you, and help your joints align more efficiently.
Moving with more efficiency means wasting less energy and getting more out of your practice!
Movement really can improve your energy levels.
But the key that most people don't take about? Your approach.
If you're ready to start rethinking your HOW you exercise then here's a few resources to help you get started:
Download the ~free~ MMOD Calendar (Mindful Movement of the Day) to get daily gentle movement prompts that will inspire your practice and help build a movement habit.
Try 7-days of classes free! We have classes for your no, low, medium, and high energy days so you can always meet your body where it's at!
Or put these tips to use in your own practice and let me know how it goes for you. I'm cheering you on!